“Shalom Aleichem”
The words of this poem originated in the 16th or 17th century in northern Israel. This beautiful melody was written by Rabbi Israel Goldfarb in 1918., and it has touched every generation since. It has become a tradition in most Jewish communities to sing it every Shabbat.
If you know that “bulbe” means “potatoes” in Yiddish, then you already know half of the song! It’s based on how, back in Eastern Europe, poor folks couldn’t afford to eat a whole lot more than potatoes--and it gets real aggravating to eat the same thing day in and day out. “Bulbe” was published in 1911 by S. Kisselgoff. It is one of the many songs that Leah learned from her father, who learned it from his grandmother, Lillian.
“Prayer for Healing” (c.2022 Leah Gerber)
Leah wrote and composed this prayer to bless those we hold in our hearts who are in need of healing. We feel into the depths of our compassion for them, and come out of it with a ray of hope. This has become a favorite in the synagogues that Leah serves.
Casual video taken in the Sonoma Mountains, on the ranch of Leah’s childhood.
“Shalom Aleichem”
Shalom aleichem mal’achei hashareit mal’achei elyon—mimelech malchei ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.
Bo’achem l’shalom mal’achei hashalom mal’achei elyon—mimelech malchei ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.
Barechuni l’shalom mal’achei hashalom mal’achei elyon—mimelech malchei ham’lachim ha-kadosh baruch hu.
Tzeitchem l’shalom mal’achei hashalom mal’achei elyon—mimelech malchei ham’lachim ha-kadosh baruch hu.
Peace be upon you, O angels who serve God, angels of the Most High—from the King who is above all other kings, the Holy One, Blessed is God.
Come in peace, O angels of peace, angels of the Most High—from the King who is above all other kings, the Holy One, Blessed is God.
Bless me with peace, O angels of peace, angels of the Most High—from the King who is above all other kings, the Holy One, Blessed is God.
Depart in peace, O angels of peace, angels of the Most High—from the King who is above all other kings, the Holy One, Blessed is God.
Zuntig bulbe, Montig bulbe,
Dinstig un Mitvoch bulbe,
Donershstig un Fraytig—bulbe
Shabbes in a novine--a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Shabbes in a novine--a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Broyt mit bulbe, fleysh mit bulbe,
Varimes un vetshere—bulbe
Ober un vider—bulbe
Eynmol in a novine—a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Eynmol in a novine—a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Ober—bulbe, vider—bulbe
Noch amol un ober amol—bulbe!
Haynt un morgn—bulbe
Ober Shabes nochn tsholnt—a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig—vayter bulbe.
Ober Shabes nochn tsholnt—a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig—vayter bulbe.
Zuntig bulbe, Montig bulbe,
Dinstig un Mitvoch bulbe,
Donershstig un Fraytig—bulbe
Shabbes in a novine--a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Shabbes in a novine--a bulbe kugele!
Zuntig vayter bulbe.
Sunday—potatoes, Monday -- potatoes
Tuesday and Wednesday -- potatoes
Thursday and Friday--potatoes
But on Shabbes something special: a potato kugel!
And Sunday -- and so on -- potatoes
But on Shabbes something special: a potato kugel!
And Sunday -- and so on -- potatoes.
Bread with potatoes, meat with potatoes,
Noon meal and evening meal--potatoes
Here and there--potatoes
But now and then, a novelty—a potato kugel!
And Sunday, the usual -- potatoes.
But now and then, a novelty—a potato kugel!
And Sunday, the usual -- potatoes.
Here -- potatoes, there -- potatoes
There and here -- potatoes
Today and tomorrow -- potatoes
But on Shabbes, after cholent—a potato kugel!
And Sunday, here we go again—potatoes.
But on Shabbes, after cholent—a potato kugel!
And Sunday, here we go again—potatoes.
Sunday—potatoes, Monday -- potatoes
Tuesday and Wednesday -- potatoes
Thursday and Friday--potatoes
But on Shabbes something special: a potato kugel!
And Sunday -- and so on -- potatoes
But on Shabbes something special: a potato kugel!
And Sunday -- and so on -- potatoes.
“Prayer for Healing”
May the One who healed our ancestors before
Find the compassion to heal and restore
Those who are ailing in body, mind, or soul
We pray for their recovery, we pray: let them be whole.
Within our hearts we hold their names
May Adonai soothe their pain.